My name is Amber. I am about to share my testimony of the day Jillian Hope Wilson endured a battle for her soul, a real-life battle of spiritual warfare. I always rode first load to work. On this particular day I stayed back to ride second load. I even made a comment that I never stay for second load. Now I know why. As me and Hope were waiting outside, she started to have blurred vision and was becoming disoriented. I immediately put my arm around her, and she put her arm around me, and we headed toward the office. She was high stepping all the way to the office. As soon as we got to the office she started to collapse, I was able to hold onto her and we made it to the floor. She started to have seizure like symptoms for a few seconds, when she came to all I know is I grabbed her and just held the upper part of her body close to me. I had a very overwhelming feeling of protection and love. All I wanted to do was protect her and love her. As I was holding her, I was praying in the spirit out loud. At this point while I was holding her, A demonic spirit was trying to manifest, and then hope would come to and when it was her, she was terrified screaming looking around seeing demons all around. At one point she looked at me and said they’re coming for you. I remember locking eye contact with her and say no they are not, and I started singing Jesus loves me. I told her to focus on my eyes and sing with me. And she did. I continue to pray in the spirit out loud. I was at peace I do remember that there was no fear. By this time the paramedics arrived, and I let her go, she was on her knees walking around, the demon was starting to manifest a bit stronger was acting very arrogant prideful, she was growling. I ran to my room and got my oil in my prayer cloth. I came back she was still on her knees the paramedics were trying to take control of the situation as peacefully as they could. I pulled my prayer cloth out of my front hoodie pocket and the demon looked at me and growled and I quote it said” That damn cloth”. I said yup, and I put it on my head, and I went to war in the spirit. She kept moving around a lot as I was trying to anoint her. The paramedics were able to get her calm as they gave her a couple of the shots, and she Went into a relaxed state of sleep. I was able to anoint her head and pray over her and I remember I kissed her on her head. I will never forget that day. The next day I remember my upper arms were sore, and for a second I couldn’t figure out why until I realized I was holding her so tight. The strength that I had that day spiritually was only from God. Isaiah 41:10 Fear not for I am with you do not be dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Many of us do not experience such things, the battle is real. Heaven and hell are real. God and Satan are real. We have a choice. Hope had a choice. She chose to trust God to deliver her, and He did with His righteous right hand. Psalm 107: 17-22
